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Precision Angular Measurement Systems & Sensors
Offices and Quality


Engineering Office Areas

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Cline uses Solid Works for Mechanical Design and Protel for Electrical Design.  Cline uses Microsoft Visual Studio for software development of Eight bit and Sixteen bit Microchip, Intel, and AMD microprocessors.  Quality is designed into the product.

Test Automation

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Quality is Free.  Cline develops automated testing for in-house and customer use.

Quality Control and Inspection

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Cline is dedicated to the best quality possible.



2835 West Grovers Ave.
Phoenix, AZ  85053
PHONE:  (602) 863-7092
FAX:  (602) 863-7709

Angle Sensors, Stepper motor drives and control, Industrial Automation, Switching Power supplies
Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Software development, Microprocessor based products

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Copyright © 1998-2015 CLINE LABS INC
Last modified: June 23, 2015