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Precision Angular Measurement Systems & Sensors
2 Wire


4 TO 20 mA 2 Wire

P/N 100412-01

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  1. The voltage across the sensor must be between 8V and 36.0V.  The supply polarity is diode protected but J1.1 must be plus and J1.2 must be minus to operatate correctly.

  2. The equation to determine the maximum load resistance for RL is as follows:   RL max = (Vsupply - 8) / 0.02

  3. Example:  Maximum load resistance at 24 volt supply is (24 - 8) / 0.02 = 800 ohms

  4. To determine the load resistance RL for a single sided 0-10 volt meter that reads the voltage across the load resistor.  10 volts / .020 mA = 500 ohm resistance.   The supply voltage VSupply must be greater than 18 volts (10 across the resistor plus 8 across the sensor) and less than 36 volts. 

  5. For best performance operate the sensor as follows:  Null (rotate sensor in slot) is set at 13mA,  -45 arc-degress is 5mA, and +45 arc-degrees is 21mA.   The sensor to 4-20 mA converter becomes non-linear below 5mA.

General Specifications:

Range:  +/- 50 degrees

Resolution:  .001degree

          0 to 10 degrees is +/- 0.2 degree
          10 to 45 degrees is +/-2% of Angle
          45 to 50 degrees is Monotonic

Null Repeatablity:  .05 degrees
Cross Axis Error:  <1% to 45 degrees
Nominal Scale Factor:  ~0.178mA/arc_degree

Typical Accuracy:  +/- 0.5% FSO

          Operating is -40 to +85 degrees Celcius
          Storage is -55 to +85 degrees Celcius

Tc of Null:  0.008 arc-degrees per  degree Celcius

Tc of Scale:  0.1% per degree Celcius

Time Constant:  0.3 Sec

Freq Response:  0.5 Hertz


Pin designations


J1.1 Supply Voltage High (in)
J1.2 Supplay Voltage Low (in)



2835 West Grovers Ave.
Phoenix, AZ  85053
PHONE:  (602) 863-7092
FAX:  (602) 863-7709

Angle Sensors, Stepper motor drives and control, Industrial Automation, Switching Power supplies
Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Software development, Microprocessor based products

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Last modified: June 23, 2015